Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Toshiro Mifune is considering what to write for his Kurosawa blog post

As a reminder, here are the guidelines for blogging:
o Discuss/analyze an important scene
o Expand on a discussion question from class, whether from a film or a reading
o Make a connection to the real world/current events
o Discuss/analyze an aspect of cinematic style important to the film(s)
o Discuss/analyze a topic or theme important to the film(s)
o Relate it to another film, either from class or personal viewing
o Discuss ideas for future viewing inspired by the film(s)
Note that you can write about one film or all three if you want. The only real rules are:
1) Write about something related to Kurosawa
2) Be interesting
Don't forget -- comments on at least three different blogs are due Friday!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why can't we be (Netflix) friends?

This is a cool feature of Netflix Dan A. pointed out to me. If you have Netflix, click here to get started. Choose the option on the right to paste the link on your blog. Put it on your blog, and other people can see what movies you're watching, your ratings of them, lists, etc.