OK, here we go. Click here to get to the list(s) of directors you can choose from. Feel free to choose from the "More Great Directors" list if you'd like. Don't forget to have one person in your group comment on this post, and leave the following information: The names of everyone in your group, and your top three directors you'd like to study for this project, listed in order of preference.
As soon as I let you know which director you're studying, you'll need to get crackin', because your first post is due Feb. 14. Good luck!
Also: If your blog is not linked in the appropriate class list to the right, make sure to leave your URL (blog address) along with your name and class period in a comment on this post.
Billy Wilder: "But you see, the thing is that you used a key concept there: that is looking for patterns. Now, you must understand that a man who makes movies and certainly somebody like myself that makes all kinds of movies, works in different styles. I don't make only one kind of movie, like say Hitchcock. Or like Minnelli, doing the great Metro musicals. As a picture-maker, and I think most of us are this way, I am not aware of patterns. We're not aware that "This picture will be in this genre." It comes naturally, just the way you do your handwriting. That's the way I look at it, that's the way I conceive it. … When you see movies, you decide to put some kind of connective theory to them. You may ask me, "Do you remember that in a picture you wrote in 1935, the motive of the good guy was charity; and then the echo in that sentiment reappears in four more pictures. Or, you put the camera...." I'm totally unaware of it. I never think in those terms: "The big overall theme of my Ĺ“uvre," I say that laughingly. You're trying to make as good and as entertaining a picture as you possibly can. If you have any kind of style, the discerning ones will detect it. I can always tell you a Hitchcock picture. I could tell you a King Vidor picture, a Capra picture. You develop a handwriting, but you don't do it consciously."
My director say this about Studying his work
Kurt H.
Hr. 4
Sorry for the delay. I can't remember a single Gmail/blogger account password for my life.
Will Petersen, hour 4, http://arrrrrtofilm.blogspot.com/
Dan A.
Lucas H, Nick A, and Stephen B
1- David Fincher
2- Francis Ford Coppola
3- Tim Burton
Hour 6
Lucas H is going first with Zodiac
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