Thursday, February 4, 2010

Director movie club

OK, here we go. Click here to get to the list of directors you can choose from. Don't forget to have one person in your group comment on this post, and leave the following information: The names of everyone in your group, and your top three directors you'd like to study for this project, listed in order of preference. As soon as I let you know which director you're studying, you'll need to get crackin', because your first set of comments is due Feb. 18. Good luck!


Claire V. said...

1. Tim Burton
2. David Fincher
3. Richard Linklater

Claire Vandrovec
Alanna Gonzales
Louisa Crudden
6th hour

Unknown said...

1. Martin Scorsese
2. Tim Burton
3. Wes Craven

Jessy Robins 2nd hour
Lauren Dobin 1st hour
Nicole Garberg 1st hour

kelseykd said...

1. Harold Ramis
2. Robert Zemeckis
3. M. Night Shyamalan

Marissa Dominguez 6th hour
Maria Blanek 6th hour
Kelsey Dahl 2nd hour

Jordan said...

1. David Fincher
2. Francis Ford Coppola
3. Steven Spielberg
4. Orson Welles

Jordan Bade
Kyle Yoerg
Greg Massey
(6th hour)
Tommy Dolan
(1st hour)

Erika LeMunyon said...

1. Robert Wise
2. Billy Wilder
3. Victor Fleming

if any one likes these directors as well, can I be in their group?

Erika LeMunyon

6th hour

Unknown said...

2.Steven Spielberg
3.Peter Jackson

Tom Burley
Brett Stolpestad
Ross Wagner

Unknown said...

1. Peter Jackson
2. Martin Scorsese
3. Tim Burton

Trace Brandt 1st Hour
Will Barber 1st Hour
Calvin Thai 1st Hour

Elizabethh. said...
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Taylor D. said...
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Elizabethh. said...

1. Tim Burton
2. Blake Edwards
3. John Hughes

Elizabeth Jacobson
Abby Neil
Sara Villa
Nick Gordan
2nd hour

Elizabethh. said...
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Jack said...

1. Tim Burton
2. Blake Edwards
3. Chang Cheh

Nathan Warner
Grant Rogers
Jack Skinner

Tom.o said...

1. Guillermo Del Toro, he directed:
-Hellboy 1 and 2
-Pans Labyrinth
-The Devils Backbone
-Blade 2
- He also produced The Orphanage and is going to direct The Hobbit.
He is a very good director and is a master of fantasy. He has an incredible talent for creature design. A lot of people know his movies but not a lot know him. Sooooo, yeah, we would like to do Del Toro even though he is not on the list.
2. Woody Allen
3. Stanley Kubrik

Thomas Olsen
Tom Pelach
Leah Kuck
David Sorensen
Nick Khatri

Unknown said...

1. Michael Mann
2. Terry Gilliam
3. Clint Eastwood

Chris Young 1st
Chris S 1st
Blair Pearson 1st

Danny said...

1. Steven Speilberg
2. Steven Soderbergh
3. Terry Gilliam

Nick Goodyear
Jen Choi
Danny Todd
1st Hour

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1. David Fincher (called. no blitz)
2. Quentin Tarantino
3. James Cameron

Billy Green
Drew Kerber

Jordan said...

Pablo will also be in our group...

lGreenspanl said...

1. Clint Eastwood
2. Peter Jackson
3. Steven Spielberg

1st - Caleb Atkins
- Adam Anderson

6th - Richie old Boy
- T.J. (Ian Johnson)

ben22 said...

1.Harmony Korine
2.Andy Warhol
3.Tim Burton

Tenzin Kunsang
6th period.

Unknown said...

1.Clint Eastwood
2.David Fincher
3.Tim Burton
4.Martin Scorsese
5.Terry Gilliam

Ben Nosek (1st)
Daniel Laron (2nd)
Erin Stermer (2nd)
Theo Larson (6th)

Unknown said...

This is cassen and megumi
our choice for the director is robert zemicks, the director of the back to the future trilogy

Unknown said...

This is cassen and megumi
our choice is the director robert zemecks, the director of the back to the future trilogy

cj duffey said...

1 Clint Eastwood
2 Francis Ford Coppola
3 Martin Scorsese

CJ,Mike,Eric,Spencer 6th hour

JymiRine said...
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JymiRine said...

1.Paul Thomas Anderson
He has directed movies such as Hard Eight,Boogie Nights,Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love(my personal favorite), and the critically acclaimed There Will Be Blood. He is very much a character director working usually with ensemble casts.
2.Terry Gilliam
3.Samuel Fuller
He has been seen as a primitive director to some but later in this career around the mid 60s he got highly respected especially among the French New Wave filmakers who he inlfuenced heavily with his distinct american way of film making. He has also been praised by the likes of Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino.

Eric Anderson 2nd Hour
I need people to work with anyone like these choices?

richard bacon said...

I am in group with Caleb Atkins, Adam, Ian Johnson and Adam.

Peter Jackson
Clint Eastwood
Steven Spielberg

Richard N. (Richie ol boy)
6th Hour

Judson said...

peter jackson
hans richter
peggy ahwesh

Judson T, Nick B, Paul B

Anonymous said...

Well, since it hasn't already been taken...

Quentin Tarantino.

He's not on the list, but you of all people should know how iconic of a director he is.

David Kasyanyuk
Matt Norris
Rian Lissick
Dylan Burns
(all from 1st hour)